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Re: Backup users and groups - openfire


Backup is needed only if something goes wrong and you need to roll back to the older setup. Ideally you should just install new version on top and it should update your database structure and everything should work. I haven't done upgrades of versions with such big gap (3.7.1 - 3.9.1) and there is a possibility something could brake, so that's why it's good to have a backup. Also, the problems you can encounter could be not as a result of a bad upgrade, but maybe something changed in the code so radically, so things work differently in the newest versions and something will stop working as you expect. You should keep that in mind and do a test of all the main features you use after the upgrade, even if at first glance everything seems to work as before.

Monitoring Service Ghost


hi, i have instaled Openfire 3.8.2, Monitoring Service pluging works for a few days, then dont show any more the options and dissapear from console, in plugins list are installed and listed, i try reinstall but not activate agains te options in web console, so i have to make a backup off all user, reinstal all openfire server to "activate" for a few days the Monitoring Service plugins.....¿someone pass for this situations, why dissapear the option of the plugins and remaint "installed", its just a trial version of the plugins?.....sorry my english and thanks.

How can I configure a DNS


I'm sorry for the noob question.


I'm creating a IM server for a network of 50 people that need external access.I bought a domain. I have openfire installed on server 2008 R2 and another install on a windows 7 laptop for testing purposes.How can I setup the dns on either of these workstations to allow clinets like Spart to connect though that domain ?



Thank you !

Re: Backup users and groups - openfire


I just tried an upgrade from 3.6.4 to 3.9.1 and it did break. Java Heap error. I tried increasing the amount of java memory without success. It was also using a lot of CPU (trying to upgrade the database?) I even tried copying the embedded-db onto a newliy installed working 3.9.1 with the same results. ie incompatibly database. Fortunately I still had the installer for 3.6.4 and installed back over the upgrade version and it all came back. I still dont have a way to export the users to the new version as the user-export-import plugin wont run on the old version.

New to Spark-Eclipse Setup-Compilation Errors


There seems to be some classes missing under the trunk or I didn't do it right.  Has anyone encountered issues with battleships package?


CoordinatePair class cannot be resolved.


Any inputs would be very helpful.



Re: Groupchat history out of order


This may be another concurrency issue. In org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.HistoryRequest/sendHistory() the messages are send maybe in the right or wrong order. Without logging this is hard to tell.

for (Object aHistoryToSend : historyToSend) {

     joinRole.send((Message) aHistoryToSend);


Re: Session ID not updated for Spark 2.7.0

Re: Unexpected purge process error at openfire debug log(Postgre SQL DB)

jitsi videobridge not works when ldap is enable


the videobridge create an user on the fly. When ldap is enable it can be handle.







2014.03.14 09:30:05 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="intranet.interalia.net" type="set" id="1997:sendIQ" from="e90mcqrow96vquxr@interalia.net/e90mcqrow96vquxr"><colibri xmlns="urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1" action="expire" muc="gispxmg6g4zbmx6r@conference.intranet.interalia.net"></colibri></iq>



==> error.log <==

2014.03.14 09:30:06 org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapGroupProvider - Could not find user in LDAP z06g53gj2ffde7b9



==> info.log <==

2014.03.14 09:30:07 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="intranet.interalia.net" type="set" id="2516:sendIQ" from="z06g53gj2ffde7b9@interalia.net/z06g53gj2ffde7b9"><colibri xmlns="urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1" action="offer" muc="gispxmg6g4zbmx6r@conference.intranet.interalia.net"></colibri></iq>

2014.03.14 09:30:08 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq id="kAyAp-252" to="intranet.interalia.net" type="get" from="fabian.garcia@interalia.net/jitsi-14a6cvj"><query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info"/></iq>

2014.03.14 09:30:08 org.jivesoftware.openfire.muc.spi.LocalMUCUser - Chat client attempted to access unimplemented feature

<iq id="kAyAp-254" to="conference.interalia.net" from="fabian.garcia@interalia.net/jitsi-14a6cvj" type="get">

  <services xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/jinglenodes"/>


Re: Plugin Monitoring Service nao mostra as imagens - db postgres

Re: Session ID not updated for Spark 2.7.0


ok, it is working fine. it looks like the Resource name is set in your local user profile (in %APPDATA%/Spark/spark.properties file). This does not get over-riden if you are keeping your old profile while upgrading. To get a new resource, either change that, or kill the %APPDATA%/Spark directory to have it setup a new, fresh one.


the image shows some of my users and their resource name. everyone is on a custom version and all should read as Spark 2.7.0-20131016-jsc, but as you can see, we've got resources all over the place lol (we had a cavalier dev over here for a bit who liked pushing new versions for image changes lol). i have a script someplace that will auto-kill the %APPDATA%/Spark directory... i'll look for it... may help...

Re: Groupchat history out of order


I have an XML debug log from Pidgin showing them arriving to the client out of order.  A sanatized bit of it is here.  It is a bit messy, but you can see that the messages are delivered in an order that does not follow the time stamps.


Is that the type of logging you were referring to?


As a data point, users are all logged in to gtalk and then accessing the chat server through those accounts.  A mix of Adium and Pidgin clients.  All users see history out of order.

If you leave/re-join, the order is different every time


Interesting thing I just learned in capturing debugging points for this.  If I access the chat through an account local to the chat server (vs gtalk) it works.  So it would appears it might be the server to server interaction, and perhaps specifically the google server.




(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(503): <presence to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><status>Availablel</status><priority>1</priority><c node="http://pidgin.im/" hash="sha-1" ver="71LAP/wlWGfun7j+Q4FCSSuAhQw=" xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/caps"/><x xmlns="vcard-temp:x:update"><photo>c32c817853e9050cf5dfff230c93ccff80f6ef91</ph oto></x><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"><item jid="A/10FD7165" affiliation="owner" role="moderator"/></x></presence>  

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(225): <message type="groupchat" from="chat" to="A/10FD7165"><body>    This room is not anonymous.    </body><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user"><status code="100"/></x></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(273): <message type="groupchat" from="chat" to="A/10FD7165" id="local-only"><subject>room</subject><delay stamp="2014-03-11T21:27:49.505Z" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140311T21:27:49" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>  

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(381): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9ac" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:50:49.950Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:50:49" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(395): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9aa" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:50:39.725Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:50:39" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(361): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9ab" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:50:40.939Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:50:40" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(369): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9ad" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:50:54.059Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:50:54" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(434): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf79ad" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:57:12.510Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:57:12" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(561): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c071" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:56:24.926Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:56:24" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(362): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9a9" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:50:29.581Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:50:29" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(431): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c073" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:58:31.010Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:58:31" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(375): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf25" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:23.840Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:23" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(379): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf22" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:58:43.962Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:58:43" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(384): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf23" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:58:50.252Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:58:50" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(358): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf79af" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:10.705Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:10" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(431): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c074" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:39.297Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:39" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(362): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf26" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:26.273Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:26" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(368): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf21" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:58:38.802Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:58:38" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(349): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf24" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:19.015Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:19" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(366): <message type="groupchat" id="purple8a40d9b4" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:02:02.611Z" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:02:02" from="A/854E88C5" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(352): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf29" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:00:43.188Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:00:43" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(396): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c076" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:00:15.201Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:00:15" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(382): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf28" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:00:41.696Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:00:41" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(468): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c075" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:00:01.995Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:00:01" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(414): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf79ae" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:57:49.746Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:57:49" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(390): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf20" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:58:31.661Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:58:31" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(353): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf27" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T16:59:46.869Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T16:59:46" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(372): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf2d" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:02:51.336Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:02:51" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(347): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf2c" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:02:17.908Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:02:17" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(391): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c077" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:01:53.743Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:01:53" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(367): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf3d" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:14:13.361Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:14:13" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(387): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf2e" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:02:58.482Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:02:58" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(405): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf3e" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:14:25.934Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:14:25" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(357): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf2f" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:02:59.908Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:02:59" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(552): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c08a" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:15:51.130Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:15:51" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(354): <message type="groupchat" id="purpled698cf41" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/B"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T17:17:34.432Z" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T17:17:34" from="B/DA46E2CC" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(361): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b78" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:12:44.047Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:12:44" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(479): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b71" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:09:43.216Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:09:43" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(360): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b6a" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:05:23.931Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:05:23" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(379): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b72" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:09:46.599Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:09:46" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(361): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b68" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:04:04.347Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:04:04" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(360): <message type="groupchat" id="purplee7cd3b73" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/A"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:11:00.949Z" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:11:00" from="A/A7ADC069" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(395): <message type="groupchat" id="purple3cb5c1b3" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T21:06:47.156Z" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T21:06:47" from="D/AdiumF420F357" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(423): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf7ae6" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:10:34.161Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:10:34" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(363): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf7ad5" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:06:14.732Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:06:14" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(500): <message type="groupchat" id="purple4bad360" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/D"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:12:35.378Z" from="D/Adium405B7106" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:12:35" from="D/Adium405B7106" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

(16:07:23) jabber: Recv (ssl)(415): <message type="groupchat" id="purpleebaf7ae7" to="A/10FD7165" from="chat/C"><body>    blah    </body><delay stamp="2014-03-12T22:10:51.729Z" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="urn:xmpp:delay"/><x stamp="20140312T22:10:51" from="D/GoogleF7B21CEE" xmlns="jabber:x:delay"/></message>

Re: Session ID not updated for Spark 2.7.0


Well, here it is. It's an AutoIt script... it's been a long while since I used it... so normal disclaimer applies... if it nukes your computer, it's on you


it's purpose back when it was (hastily) written was to uninstall the current spark, kill the %APPDATA/Spark directory, then download and install a fresh copy from our local server (using the Client Management plugin to host a local Spark download for our custom version).


you will surely need to customize parts... such as your server address, etc. Or, you can just modify it to only kill the %APPDATA%/Spark directory...


or, of course, either write your own script to do this... or just manually kill them.

Re: jitsi videobridge not works when ldap is enable


2014.03.14 09:30:05 org.jivesoftware.openfire.IQRouter - Packet sent to unreachable address <iq xmlns="jabber:client" to="intranet.interalia.net" type="set" id="1997:sendIQ" from="e90mcqrow96vquxr@interalia.net/e90mcqrow96vquxr"><colibri xmlns="urn:xmpp:rayo:colibri:1" action="expire" muc="gispxmg6g4zbmx6r@conference.intranet.interalia.net"></colibri></iq>



configure your config.js file. your domain name intranet.interalia.net is inconsistent with your JIDs

Re: Friend information get?


GoodNight CSH,


I read all the articles, but I do not entirely understand,

You can put a example code java for each?


Thansk for you help.

Re: Friend information get?


Hi. no sorry, I have never worked with Smack's PubSub. The links I provided have already some code samples. I guess you can figure it out with their help.

Re: default.properties spark.properties & host_name/server ?


right, the contents of the %APPDATA/Spark/spark.properties file is basically spark saving it's settings from memory... there is no guaruntee of order in that file (due to how the Java Properties API works). That file may be over-written at any time during spark's runtime (every time a setting changes, or spark logs out, shuts down, etc).


The language attribute does not appear to be set by default... which implies english for spark. if you set another language, then the language= property appears in the %APPDATA%/Spark/spark.properties file.


So, you could take your "neutral" spark.properties file, and add:


language=<your language of choice>


anywhere in that file, even at the bottom is ok. Then, next time spark launches, it will read from that file and set the language to the one specified. that is... until a user changes it of course


To figure out what the correct language property is, it may take some trial-n-error. Just launch Spark, set your language, then logout/shutdown spark. Check the spark.properties file and see what is set.















Alternatives openfire ?


I tried to do a few things with openfire, but the fact that it took

me a longtime to develop asimple application that truth does nothing!


As a programmer I do not like to waste my time with "nonsense", so I was wondering

if there is any XMPP "free or pay" I do not care, which is very useful.


I need opinions xmpp server, if it can be possible for me, I like to comment on that this week,

"I run a hurry"




Re: Friend information get?

Re: default.properties spark.properties & host_name/server ?


Thank you for that info, I tried it and it works - I have set it to: language=en

Now I'm just trying to figure out if/how I can use that neutral file and I'm testing now what I have to set and what I can leave out.

That way I hope to have a client in which only the username & password has to be entered and the server address remains greyed out with the right info of course.


EDIT (added info): after installing and opening spark without logging in, the spark.properties is created.

I closed spark and copied the file from a working system with the correct settings but changed the username and removed the line 'password<xxxx>'" completely.

When I start spark again I get 2 problems:

1) there is an error stating the username or password is invalid

2) the server address becomes editable but the address is correct


Any idea if it's possible to avoid that username/password issue?

How come the server address becomes editable and can I change that afterwards back to greyed out?


EDIT 2: by deleting the %appdata%\spark\spark.properties file, I'm back to the original situation.

By leaving 'password=' the result is same as deleting the line completely as stated in my first edit.

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